If ever there was a moment of indecision, all thoughts quickly vanished as she spoke. Her words echoed around my head and bought a huge smile to my face. YESSSSSSSSS….. Everyone really does ‘want’ red shoes!
Epitomised by Judy Garland as she tripped her way down the yellow brick road, sparkly red shoes do ‘it’ for me.

Little Girls Fantasy
Okay, so not brash, covered in sequins and lighting up with a neon induced glow from a ‘Boots button cell 364′ watch battery with every dainty step. But for me, the delight comes first from the colour….Rich, vibrant cherry red, without a hint of blue and most definitely not orange. An orange red is just a no no. Secondly, the style. Very high, simple, classic court shoe which oozes elegance. And thirdly, the nap…or fabric, material, etc. Personally there is no contest, this always has to be patent. Patent shoes have a class about them, and a sexiness which makes you just want to lick them (that might just be me!)
And there they were. Calling me loudly as I strolled through the store, on my way to the first calorie intake of the day, courtesy of Pret a Manger, and they halted me. Dead in my tracks. OMG…I just have to try these shoes. I could hardly contain my excitement as I sat myself down, and removed my right boot. It was a true Cinderella moment. In an instant, I had wondered about Walt Disney’s sexuality as whoever had the insight to have written a whole story around shoes, was surely in touch with their feminine side. Genius….sheer genius. I hadn’t planned on buying shoes today, but then ‘we’ don’t ever plan to buy shoes…..they call us! (With the exception of being a small child and the pending first day back to school, got to have new shoes rush) I admired the glossy temptress now adorning my podgy little right leg, which of course has now made me look at least 6 inches longer and 2 sizes smaller because new shoes have an amazing magical power over our minds…and don’t ever underestimate it. Red shoes especially! I was truly in love.
But its magical powers don’t stop there…oh no. Time travel. As I stood and did a little ‘clippy clop’ (obligatory!) In 0-5 seconds I was once again transported in my mind to being 3 years old, and playing with mummy’s shoes. I used to beg her to let me put on her shoes and have a little ‘pet’. I would clap my hands together when I saw the objects of my desire and say ‘oh please please let me have a little pet shoe’ ….no idea why, very random, but I was just 3!. I giggled at that thought and these are happy shoes…you can’t help but smile when you’re wearing them. Not that I could actually walk in them! I didn’t try the left foot on as there’s no point. I’m not going to be walking in these…what with my leg!!! I shall just pose, and ‘clippy clop’.
And as I admired the shoe now adorning my fat foot, a lady in her mid fifties appeared and was also perusing…..but ‘loafers’. But the sight of me with MY magic shoe had her drooling and she said wistfully and in a kind of subordinate ‘I’m on a little housewife’ kind of way, “I have to buy sensible shoes, but I would REALLY love those pretty red shoes”.
I wanted to SCREAM at her, ‘BUY THE RED SHOES’! Your life will never be the same again. Make a rash decision for once in your life….just do it, and then wear them when you’re stuffing ‘his’ dirty undies into the washing machine for the 2000th time, or when you’re in despair after you’ve glimpsed through the crack into the space that is now your teenagers room and you can’t believe how you can have produced such an untidy, uncouth & vulgar child or when you’re rolling your wheelie bin up the drive……
You wear red shoes for YOU.

Shoes of desire

Cinderellas slipper
[Via http://purplediva.wordpress.com]
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