Wednesday, September 30, 2009

All The Things That I Cannot Say



Dear ___ ….


I think about you sometimes. I know how that sounds, considering we see each other on almost a daily basis and we talk or email at least three or four times a day. But still, I think of you when you aren’t there. I think of you in the dead of night, when the moon has disappeared behind the clouds and the world is asleep in their beds, I think of you. I think of us and I let myself remember all those nights.

We weren’t really together, I know that, but it didn’t stop either of us from falling.  It was only a fling. That’s what we say to justify the intensity of our attraction. You liked me, I liked you, now we are friends. That’s what we tell ourselves anyway.

Sometimes, just before I fall asleep, a memory of you slips into bed with me and makes itself at home. It wraps itself around me and strokes my skin, teasing me until I’m yearning for your touch again. But I know it won’t come.

Last night it was the night you took me to ————–. I know you remember; it wasn’t that long ago. We walked slowly through the streets, long after the stores were closed, and you showed me all your favorite places. We went down to the water, saw the lights of another state just across the ocean and that’s when you held my hand. It was the smallest of gestures and it wasn’t the first time either, but it was the first time I let myself feel. We talked and laughed as we strolled through the streets. You picked me a flower and put it through the buttonhole in my jacket. You told me I was beautiful.

The drive home was something else entirely.

When you got back, you stayed all night. We touched and teased, kissing and giggling in the dark, trying not to wake up my roommates. We slept naked under the sheets, telling stories between bouts of sex.

When I came, you told me I was beautiful.

I remember the next day too: the softness of my body against the hard angles of yours; early morning sex and then coffee on the front porch. We spent that whole day together, laughing and talking; we talked about everything. That’s what I’ve always liked the most about you: that I could tell you anything and you would never, ever judge me for it.

That’s my favorite memory. It’s the one that comes around the most often.

Sometimes, in the middle of the day, I’m assaulted by memories of the first night you kissed me. It was a lot colder that night than I was prepared for. It was only my third night in this new town, but I already felt at home. It was the first night you really touched me; it was the first time you spent the night.  We were drunk that night, not that it mattered, but it loosened me up to do what I wanted to.  I didn’t know that you liked me until that night.  We were outside, the party raging on behind the closed door. You pulled me close, lost your hands in my hair, and the way you looked at me…

It was the most perfect, inspired, incredibly intense first kiss I had ever had.

But that’s not what I wanted to tell you. It’s not even close to what I wanted to say. I actually wanted to know, if you think of me.

Do I haunt you the way you haunt me? In the middle of the night, when your laying in bed with her, her head on your chest, do you wonder what I’m doing? Have you ever thought of me, when you make love to her? Did you ever stop to think how I would feel with you living right around the corner, sleeping in her bed? Did it ever cross your mind?

Do you ever wonder if the child I lost would have looked more like me, or like you?

 These are the things I needed to say to you. These are the questions I know I’ll never have answers to, because I am too damn afraid to ask you.

So we’ll be friends. Yeah, there it is, the dreaded word that sounds like a four letter word when I say it.  You tell me that once I get to know you better, I won’t want to be with you anymore. I think you just hope that will happen, because you know that you care about me too. Yesterday you told me that I was pretty. The look in your eyes when you said it told me something else.

It’s that look that tells me what you never will.

I wonder some days, if I’m right. You told me she was your only ‘what if?’ Now you’re mine. I wonder if I’ll ever be yours.

If you never answer any of these questions, I hope one day I can get up the nerve to ask you this: do you ever miss me, even when we’re standing right next to each other?

KISS, Reunion Tours & the Death of Rock and Roll

You know what I’ve been thinking about lately?  KISS, reunion tours & the death of Rock and Roll.

The other day I was minding my own business and losing myself in the fast-paced world of IReports when an animated ad informed me that KISS would be blessing Seattle with its presence in mid-November.  Just so there’s no confusion, I’m not talking about a KISS cover band or a group made up of KISS offspring.  I’m talking about freakin’ KISS.  That’s right, the costumed, hard rock band whose debut album dropped in the year of my birth (1974), is back on the road.  And they aren’t playing the local Indian Casino either.  They’re playing the 16,000 plus seat Key Arena.

Gene, Gene the blood-spitting machine.

I know what you’re thinking.  “Wait.  Aren’t those guys dead?”  Well, not yet.  Their careers were on life support for a little while, but then in ’96 the two founding members – Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons – decided there might be more money in kicking it old school.  So KISS put the make-up back on, reconciled with the two original members they’d kicked out, and started a reunion tour, which apparently has never ended.

And they’re not the only rock stars with graying hair putting on a high-priced reunion tours.  In 2008 the list of top grossing tours was overrun by acts whose best work is far, far behind them; Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, the Police, Neil Diamond, and the Eagles.

I thought the Eagles hated each other’s guts.  Now they’re on tour ever three years.  Apparently time (and money) heal all wounds.

What’s truly sad isn’t that these musical giants can still pack ‘em in, it’s that lesser acts – the ones you’re too embarrassed to admit you loved as a kid – are still touring.  Just drive by your nearest casino and read the large, animated sign.  You can’t miss it.  It’s the one right next to the highway distracting the drivers who are flying by at 70 mph.

As I cruised past the Emerald Queen Casino sign on I-5 south of Seattle this week I was brought up-to-date on the parade of has-beens that are making their way to northwest in the next couple months.

Three Dog Night.  Kansas.  Air Supply.  Blue Oyster Cult.

Blue Oyster Cult?  Really?  The only reason anyone under thirty knows who these guys are, is because of a Saturday Night Live sketch.  And if this band didn’t fear the reaper, then why are they still hanging around?

Look, I guess I can’t blame the musicians.  If someone’s willing to pay them to do the thing they love to do, they should cash those checks.  The fact that there’s still an audience for this stuff is what has me scratching my head.  Are there people out there who think it’s really worth paying fifty bucks to hear the silver-haired members of Kansas belt out a subpar rendition of “Carry on Wayward Son”?  I mean, is there really no other way for baby boomers to spend a Saturday evening?

As a musical genre, Rock and Roll will live forever.  It will carry on in some distorted form or another until the cockroaches retake the earth.  But as a cultural concept, Rock and Roll is as dead as Kurt Cobain.  Because at its core, Rock and Roll wasn’t just about music, it was a movement that represented cultural rebellion in the form or sex, drugs, and disenfranchised youth.  It was supposed to titillate teenagers and scare parents.  But when AARP members start leading the charge, the rebellion is clearly over.

Consider this…

Elvis Presley’s pelvis used to scare the shit out of parents and work kids into a frenzy.  Now the song “Viva Las Vegas” is being used to sell boner medication.

The Who used to sing about their “generation” and hoped they’d die before they got old.  Now they’re cashing the checks CBS sends them for licensing their music to the CSI franchise.

Myrtle Beach Rock City!

KISS used to sing songs about banging groupies while trying to find new merchandise to slap their likenesses on.  Okay, they’re basically still doing the same thing.  They just have reality shows and coffee shops to help them push the product.

The only true Rock and Roll icons left are the ones who died before they had a chance to sellout.  But something tells me if Sid Vicious were alive today, he’d be more than happy to play the Lucky Eagle Casino.  Provided, of course, they paid the acts in high-quality heroin.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Din ciclul : Reprosurile Femeilor "El ajunge la orgasm prea repede"


Nu stiu ce ganditi voi, dar eu nu cred ca exista sex pasional pe durata a ore intregi.In principiu fiindca exista cam doua motive bine intemeiate pentru asa : 1. Cine are timp pentru atatea ore de sex? 2. Majoritatea barbatilor nu pot rezista la mai multe ore de sex 3. Sexul trebuie sa fie un moment magic si intens nu sa devina un sport.  Sa fim intelesi de la inceput : aici e vorba de un singur act sexual prelungit nu de mai multe! Pentru majoritatea cuplurilor media unui act sexual este de la 7 minute pana la 15 minute! Da…am zis in medie!  Dar daca minutele alea trec mult prea rapid pentru tine si nu poti avea orgasm citeste mai jos cateva ideii si trick-uri pentru a prelungi actul sexual :

  1. Folositi un Prezervativ.Va scadea sensibilitatea si va prelungi actul in sine! (folositi doua daca situatia e chiar atat de grava)
  2. Prelungiti placerea si actul sexual prin a opri “lucrurile” in momentul in care excitatia devine de nestapanit,doar pentru un moment de relaxare ca mai apoi sa continuati.Ajuta mult in a avea un act sexual nu a conduce o intrecere spre orgasm!
  3. Miscati-va cat mai mult posibil, chiar si daca intrerupe-ti actul, incercati diferite poziti chiar daca uneori vi se par incomode, chiar daca sunteti in apropiera punctului culminant incercati sa va opriti,veti ramane surprinsi cat de placut e uneori.
  4. Luati lucrurile incet, chiar daca instinctul si fierbinteala care o simtiti va indruma sa va grabiti incercati sa o stapaniti, asta uneori aduce a dovada de stapanire de sine si arata celuilalt ca nu incercati sa fiti egoist(a) in a obtine orgasmul.
  5. Incercati jocuri de tot felul in timpul liber, cu tenta sexuala, cu apropouri, cu mangaieri si limbaj mai putin obisnuit, nu se stie niciodata cand un joc nevinovat duce la un act sexual spontan care valoreaza cat 10 programate dinainte.
  6. Si nu in ultimul rand incercati sa o faceti cat mai des, asa veti mai reduce din sensibilitatea unuia sau a celuilalt.

A Short-Term Solution to a Long-Term Problem

I woke up yesterday with a problem. Horny. So very horny. And even after taking care of myself (twice), the problem had not been resolved.

I had the idea that I would be meeting up for coffee with a blind date from Craigslist. So, while I was in the shower, I DID NOT shave my legs. That’s right. DID NOT. Because I certainly didn’t want to end up in bed with this guy on a first date (as has been my habit) and figured there was no way I would jump into bed with him in my (very) hairy state.

Now, because I am an idiot who sometimes often loses track of time, I completely flaked out and did not meet said man for coffee as we had scheduled. He called me at the meet-up time. He was there, wondering where I was. Such an asshole move on my part.

Later that day, Critter came over as we had planned and I made dinner and threw on a movie. He reassured me that said man would likely recover from the disappointment of being stood up and I confessed to him that it was probably for the best. That, given my horny state, I would probably end up luring the poor man into bed and the usual pattern would happen: I’d sleep with him, then not hear from him and descend into my usual I’m-such-a-loser state of mind.

So, Critter solved my problem. In the best way. There was nakedness and all. For some reason, he still finds me sexy when I’m in pj pants and a baggy t-shirt. While we will never make it work in a romantic sense and I’m never going to give into his half-joking pleas to have a kid with him, I’m glad he’s around. Whether he’s naked and solving my problem or hanging out with The Mook.


I met Critter about 2 1/2 years ago. I responded to his CL ad (I was still living with the Former Mr at the time, but we were separated.The Former Mr was unaware that I was pursuing dating possibilities.) and I liked what he had to say. Hell, before we even met, he acknowledged and wished me a Happy Mother’s Day.

We met on Victoria Day weekend in May of 2007. I felt comfortable with him, which was stunning  since I had not been on a date for nearly 9 years. Soon enough I found that he, too, has an unquiet mind. That he finds himself in dark spaces. He’s been hospitalized and has scars from the cutting and scarring he inflicted upon himself.

We laid out our expectations early. Neither of us was interested in a committed relationship. We both wanted to be free to date other people, but would be honest with one another.

Before we had had a chance to sleep together, he told me (bragged almost) that he had slept with his ex-girlfriend. I was mad. And hurt. In talking with a friend, I was able to explain to him I felt rejected. That I thought he had been just as eager to hop into bed with me (just me, not an ex-girlfriend) as I was.

He was the first person I slept with after the end of my marriage. In fact, I had not had sex with The Former Mister since June of 2006 when Critter and I made an afternoon of sex, sleep and strawberries. He became my ‘transitional lover’. The man who would remind me that I am still sexy, still attractive and still able to turn someone on and that I would recover from being in a sexless marriage.

Through trial and error (plenty of it), we figured out that we were better friends than anything else. There were some hurt feelings, but we’ve recovered.


While I could have solved my problem of being horny with a booty call, I held out. Those random rolls in the bed just remind me that I don’t have a partner in my life. A man who can appreciate me (and my sex drive!) and the kind of guy I woudn’t mind making breakfast for and having him stick around for more than a night. Maybe, just maybe, someone worth introducing my kidlet to.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A fi sau a nu fi? Pai, a nu fi... cavaler.

Primul lucru care il vad deschizand Opera, este Google. Care Google si-a personalizat logo-ul aniversandu-l pe Confucius. Si intru eu frumos sa vad detalii despre Confucius.. Wikipedia primul site, mustacesc dar bun si asta pt 2 cuvinte-3 prostii cat ma initiez eu. Buuuun, scoala lui Confucius, 3000 de elevi.. ce putere de atragere avea omul, nu degeaba-l sarbatorim. Cu aste ganduri in cap sar un paragraf (asa fac eu si pe urma revin la el si tot asa. N-am astampar cand e ceva nou, imi fug ochii, vreau sa cuprind tot intr-o secunda.. citesc cuvinte aici, cuvinte dincolo, pana prind ideea, ma potolesc si citesc si eu ca omul normal). Deci aflu eu ca Lunyu este cea mai importanta opera si ca aceasta are 4 elemente de baza:
Umanitate ( ren),
Dreptate ( yi),
Pietate ( xiao)
Cavalerism ( li).
Si incep: umanitate.. “Ce frumos!”.
dreptate.. “Pe-atunci se purta asa ceva?”.
pietate.. “E hai ca deja exagerezi.”.
cavalerism.. Ochii mari bulbucati: “Iaaar? Si ieri am citit despre cavalerism. Si ajunsesem deja la concluzia ca e un termen in curs de disparitie. Cum de mi-a aparut iar?”
Mda. Cum spuneam (spuneam?!) ieri am vrut sa citesc “Adam si Eva” de Liviu Rebreanu. Am rasfoit un pic prefata si am aflat ca e romanul preferat al lui Rebreanu. Sunt unii scriitori pe care ii stimez pentru ce au scris si cum au scris (acesta e unul dintre ei) si sa aflu ca “Adam si Eva” e in topul preferintelor sale (din propriile opere) a fost o motivatie in plus sa citesc. Si la prefata am aflat un pic de modul gandirii lui si mi-a placut mult (siguranta cu care se exprima) asa ca am sa citez si aici:
“Pentru mine arta – zic “arta” si ma gandesc mereu numai la literatura – inseamna creatie de oameni si viata. Astfel arta, intocmai ca si creatia divina, devine cea mai minunata taina. Creand oameni vii, cu viata proprie, cu lume proprie, scriitorul se apropie de misterul eternitatii. Nu frumosul, o nascocire omeneasca, intereseaza in arta, ci pulsatia vietii.” Nu sunt intru totul de acord dar respectul crezul lui. Eu n-as putea niciodata sa zic arta referindu-ma strict la literatura (”sa ma gandesc mereu numai la literatura”). Ador pictura, am fost la Louvru, la Brukenthal, la d’Orsay, la muzeul Van Gogh, muzeul National de Arta etc. Mi-au placut atat de multi pictori si atat de multe opere incat oricat am incercat sa retin a iesit doar un amalgam de nume. Insa de departe favoritul meu este Van Gogh. Daca ar fi sa merg iar in Amsterdam, un loc ce mi-a cam displacut, as alege sa merg din nou la muzeul lui Van Gogh (si in parcul de langa ). Muzica iar mi se pare demna de a fi considerata arta… In fine, ideea e ca nu m-as rezuma la literatura si atat. Si cu gandul la asta imi spun ca arta nu inseamna, din punctul meu de vedere, pulsatia vietii. Pentru ca am vazut arta si in cele mai statice tablouri, natura moarta cum li se mai spune.
Am trecut de partea asta a prefatei si am ajuns la interviu:
“-Care dintre cartile dv. e cea mai iubita?
-Adam si Eva. Acolo trec peste viata de toate zilele, zugravesc chipul de-a ne dezlega de trup, e o zbuciumare sufleteasca pe care am trait-o intens si care mi-e apropiata… Dar, iata, ca sa vorbesti despre o carte iubita, e ca si cum ai povesti cuiva de-o femeie pe care ai tinut-o altcandva in brate; e necavaleresc.”
Daa, si dupa randuri intregi de divagatii inutile ajung unde trebuie, la acel termen, “cavaler”, care imi tot apare si-mi da de gandit. Nu mult. Pentru ca e simplu, l-am transpus in viata de zi cu zi si mi-am dat seama ca e perimat. Cati cavaleri cunosc? Cati cavaleri cunosti? Toti barbatii pe care i-am cunoscut au marturisit intr-un moment sau altul ca atunci cand fac gasca de barbati in mod clar discuta despre sex si iubitele lor. Naiva de mine: “si despre ce ati facut cu ele?”. Raspuns tipic, niciunul nu s-a abatut de la regula balbaitului: “Ahm, mmm, da!”. Intr-o uimire tot mai mare si curiozitate bestiala in acelasi timp: “mmm, si despre cum arata?” timp in care gafaiam ca nu raspundea masculul destul de repede, pe viteza curiozitatii mele degenerate: “si despre cum se miscaaaa?”. Invariabil: “Ahm, mmm, pai, da!”. Fuck, we’re doomed! Toata lumea stie despre toata lumea. De ce dracu nu dau reprezentatii pt grup, sa stiu o treaba…!!! Recunosc ca ochii mei mariti a broasca au fost dibaci ascunsi de gene si pleopele plecate intrucat in mod voit priveam in jos spre o podea total neatragatoare insa confortabila din punct de vedere al jenei. Cavaler? Unde, unde? Fetelor, fiti sigure ca daca tipati mai tare in pat, acceptati sa faceti ceva sau refuzati, dupa caz, stie si nepotul varului prietenului prietenului! Noi nu suntem contemporane cu Liviu Rebreanu. E mort si ingropat (1885;1944). Confucius la fel (551 i.Hr.;479 i.Hr.).

Top 10 Hottest Porn Stars #10 Ricki White

Top 10 Hottest Porn Stars #10 Ricki White

She just attended a Tea Party on Tax day and some Obama supporter referred her to some German dude for a job. She arrives late talking about the party and how she loves a good fuck coz its so recession proof. However she’s tested on her tea servicing ability but little does she know she has signed u … Join here!

Ricki White Video Clips

Clip #1    Clip #2    Clip #3

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Troilus the cougar and the funeral parlour

The petrol pump where the cougar gave me a bad blow job

Happened – August 2009.
Written – September 2009.

I love long boozy work lunch’s because work usually pays, the girls at work become drunk and loose and I get drunk on free booze. When I know there’s a boozy lunch on I just put a line through the rest of my day in my diary. Lunch normally leads into after work drinks which  leads into a long boozy night and then ….. shit happens.

This particular lunch I was already halfway gone by about 3pm as I need to drink copious amounts of alcohol to put up with the dribble that comes out of my work colleagues mouths. Plus the guy who was leaving (hence the reason for a long work lunch) only drinks spirits and who I am to say no to Vodka or Bourbon at midday with lunch?

For some reason only known to the gods when I get very drunk strange shit happens. This particular night I got introduced to some friends of the girls in the office. One girl I met was a goth/emo lawyer, black clothes, black nail polish, black lipstick, everything black. Think Mortisher meets one of the vampires from Twilight. In my drunk sarcastic tone, ” I’m like are you really a lawyer” Her “Yes its my first year out of law school and I now work for such and such law firm”
I’m like “holy shit but you’re an emo? At the end of the day do you go home and listen to My Chemical Romance and do harm to yourself? Quick let me check (grabbing her wrist) where are the scars, do you cry that daddy didn’t love you enough, while you slash your wrists” I went to town on this chick and she just stood there grinning. “What sort of lawyer are you? I’m just shitting all over you and you don’t have a decent retort? I’ve been drinking since midday and mentally and verbally you should be able to shut me down with some awesome argument, but nothing”  She just stood there grinning and then suggested we do shots. Don’t mind if I do!
So when I got bored teasing the gothic/emo lawyer from the adams family, I walked around to the other side of the bar, and this creature steps in front of me, and says ” Are you sure your gay”?
What the fuck?
This thing reminded me of someone’s mum, you know mutton dressed as mutton. probably pushing 50 (49 I found at later) way too much make up and too way to much cleavage for her age. You know the type, her husband left her when her looks had well and truly gone down the drain, and now she was trying to find a man to spend her pension with.
“Why the fuck do you think I gay?”  “Well because you’re the best dressed man here and from what I heard you saying to her (pointing to the emo lawyer) your intelligent and articulate!
Oh I see where this is going insult someone, make them feel insecure and then they try to redeem themselves. I’ve done this hundreds of times to good looking girls with low self esteem. Like fuck this is going to work on me bitch.
So I start hammering this cougar about and what men should and shouldn’t wear and how I wasnt going to change my style or articulation just because some piece of mutton thought I might be gay.

I then went on some sort of tangent about how anyone over the age of 45 should be at home watching The Bill or down at the RSL putting their pension check through the Queen of the Nile. After I had finished my tirade I grabbed a passing gay guy. I had never met this guy in my life but my gaydar is never wrong. I pushed him in front of the she beast and said ” Hey your gay right?”
He nodded sheepishly and  do you think I’m gay? He said no, so there you go beast from the middle east, your gaydar sucks just like your fashion sense and you wouldnt know a straight guy from a gay guy even if they both double ended you at the same time.

After my tirade finished we had a drink and laughed it all off, I have a soft spot for people who still want to have a drink with me after I have just insulted them for 15 minutes. It’s like they can see right through me, they know I’m an asshole but they like me anyway.

So the cougar decides that we need to go to another bar together so we can have some privacy, I’m thinking this is a great idea (wtf?) 

I follow the cougar to another bar that I’ve never been too before, she tells me its a dirty pub and I will love it. I’m thinking great a dirty pub, maybe I can get a handjob at the bar or maybe there are girls giving guys blowjobs in the toilets, awesome I love dirty pubs.

So we walk into this pub several streets away grab some drinks and sit on an old couch. There’s 6 people in the whole pub, I’m like wtf where’s the sluts? Where’s the couple having sex in the corner? 

“This is shit, how is this dirty? There’s no one here”?

Cougar – ” Yeah this is dirty have a look old wooden floor boards, old couches, this place hasn’t changed for about a 100 years”

Thats not dirty thats just old? I want sluts and handjobs and people having sex in the toilets?

” Oh thats what I call a nasty pub, this isn’t nasty, this is just old and dirty” (quite literally) I bit like my company really.

Fuck it let’s make it dirty, I then start making out with the cougar, fuck it if I’m leaving my friends and the emo lawyer to go to a pub with a washed up cougar I better get something out of it. I start making out with her like my life depends on it. There’s tongue and saliver everywhere. I then decide to grab a breast and fuck me there bigger than I guessed and they just may be fake, they are just a little too solid to be grandmas 50-year-old boobs.

So there’s tongue and mouths and my hand up her shirt trying to get under her bra and grab some nipple, if someone was walking past and saw us they would probably think  I was giving her mouth to mouth resuscitation and CPR on her chest.

Shit are these real or not? Just as I go to take her shirt off,  one of the bar staff asks us to leave mumbling something about being too drunk, I’m sure they just didn’t want to see the cougars big saggy boobs. We left yelling at to the barman that were going  find a bar that had sluts, not just six people sitting around waiting for something to happen.

So cougar and I start walking back to town and I see a dark alley, hell if I cant take her shirt off in a pub what about a dark alley?

I grab her hand and walk down this dark alley, at the end of it there are some old terrace houses, fuck people live down here? It was like a step back in time, these old terrace houses are set back from the main road hidden behind some shops and industrial sheds. Most people wouldn’t even know this place excisted,  it had its own private little courtyard at the end of this dead end ally.

There was also this old vintage petrol pump sitting in the courtyard that had been there since the last world war. (see photo)

It was like this courtyard, petrol pump and the houses hadn’t been touched for years and progress had just built around it. Normally the city just demolishes and builds on top, but somehow this little oasis of vintage architecture had survived untouched for years, so there’s me and the cougar standing in this courtyard looking at the vintage houses and petrol pump astounded, then I remembered why we walked down here in the first place.

So I pushed the cougar up against the fence next to the old petrol pump and we start making out again. Tongues and hands are everywhere, I’ve got her top and bra up and boobs out, there pretty big but its dark and I’m drunk and I still can’t tell if there real or not. I had an ex who had fake double-D’s and ever since I’ve been fascinated by fake boobs, it’s almost a fetish now.

So I start undoing her jeans and shove my hands down the front, now she isn’t exactly smooth but she isn’t heaps hairy either, more like someone who shaves down there, but hasn’t for a few weeks. She starts moaning and starts humping my hands, wetness everywhere, standing on one leg the other leg wrapped around me leaning back against the fence. So after she came, well It sounded like she did? We swap positions so now I’m against the fence next to the petrol pump, the cougar is wrestling with my jeans and starts giving me a hand job it doesn’t really do much for me for a couple of reasons;

1 – It’s fucking freezing as it’s the middle of winter and my cock doesn’t want to come out of its warm hiding hole.

2 - After a river of alcohol my cock goes to sleep

3 – Her technique is rubbish.

The cougar realises she is going to have to crank it up a notch if she wants me hard. So she leans over and starts to give me head, its feels good because her mouth is warm but once again her technique is rubbish. I thought older women were meant to be more experienced, I’ve had better blow jobs from 18 year olds.

Because we are standing in the old courtyard/car park she isn’t giving me the classic on the knees blowjob but more bending over at the waist 2 hands on my hips to keep her balance and her jeans around her knees from when I had my hands down there. Then….. a guy walks past….Remember this is a courtyard/car park for the old terrace houses. The guy see’s us keeps walking and has a quick look back…. yep there’s a girl naked from the waist down giving head to a guy young enough to be her son.

It’s now that I realise that next to the courtyard almost directly across from where we are standing is a loading dock at the back of a big white building. Oh my god that building is a funeral parlour, jesus christ fuck me, I’m getting a head job next to the loading dock of a funeral parlour on the set of a world war one drama and there could be dead people only a couple of metres away. I told you wierd shit happens when I get drunk . I think the cougar must have realised that someone was walking past because she came up for air and gave me hug, was this because the guy walked past, or because she felt sorry for me not being able to get a hard on? Who knows but I thought you scratched my back I’ll scratch yours. So I spin her around on the other side of the petrol pump so we have a bit more privacy.  I then pull her jeans the rest of the way down, fall to my knees and get her to lean back against the fence. Put a couple of fingers in side her and ran my tongue all over her slightly bristly vagina. Not my proudest moment. Then guess what? another person walks past! What the fuck? this is a dark back alley in the middle of the night in the middle of winter, and the cougar and I are turning into the local peep show. Not sure who walked by, I just heard her say “there’s someone over there watching us?” I couldn’t see due to her thighs around my head, it being dark and by this stage I had given up caring, as what ever slight sliver of dignity I started the night with vanished hours ago when I left the first bar with the cougar.

So after a heap a of moaning and heavy breathing I stand up we look at each other and realise there’s not much more we can do standing here in public, drunk and me unable to get a hard on. So we get dressed and walk back into town, I decide I’ve had enough excitement for one night and I definately enough to drink, we have a chat about where are we going to sleep. I had a female flatmate who I didn’t really want to meet or even know about the cougar and the cougar had a pet cat. I’m allergic to cats and her cat had just started pissing all over the house, thanks but no thanks.

She chucks me in a cab, I go home and wake up with the mother of all hangovers and a mouth that tastes like the bottom of a bird cage.


"My First Encounter"

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My name is Reshmi. I am 47 years old, married, 5′5″ tall, 130 lbs. brown hair, nice round ass with an average chest. I have been married for 23 years and never had any sexual encounters with anyone other than my husband.

During sex, my husband would talk about me having sex with two men. I would call him sick and ask him to quit talking like that. He would keep making suggestion about additional sex partners, wanting to see me have sex with another man. Many times I would suck his cock while he fucked me with a dildo and ask me to imagine it was another mans cock. After a couple of times, I started imagine it was another mans cock in my pussy and started getting hotter and hotter. I started to cum like never before. Still, I would not try sex with another man or let my husband know how much I enjoyed the dildo.

Another a couple of months of this, my husband approached me with another idea. He would set up an encounter with a man and all I would have to do is masturbate the man to orgasm. He said this would give me a chance to see what it would be like handling another cock and if I did not like it I could quit plus it would not be cheating since the man would have not fucked me. I refused, but after a couple of more months of begging I agreed to get him to shut up. So, I would jack off a guy and tell y husband I hated it and it would be over.

He came home from work and informed me he arranged an encounter with a man he met for Friday afternoon before I went to work. I was very nervous and wanted to back out, but decided to get it over and done with. I was to wear black hose, black panties and a black bra, nothing else. I was getting pissed, but agreed.

At 2pm the doorbell rang. I answered the door half naked and it was mohan, the man my husband set me up with. We talked a while and I told him my story. He moved closer to me and kissed me. I pulled back and said thats not part of the deal. He asks how is he going to get hard if he can’t get excited? So we begin to make out. His tongue was down my throat and his hands rubbing my tits. I was getting excited. He broke away to get undressed. When is slid he pants off I could not believe I was looking at a strange mans cock. I started rubbing his cock, watching it grow. He started kissing me again and I responded back pushing my tongue down his throat. Stroking his cock as it grew in my hand. He undid my bra and began massaging my tits. I was as hot as I have ever been in my life.

After a few minutes, mohan lowered his head and began sucking my tits while his hand was rubbing up my leg up to my wet pussy. I was stroking his rock hard cock and loved it. All a sudden he slid 2 fingers in my pussy and I began to cum. I was moaning very load by now. Barry was ready to cum and asked if he could cum on my tits. I said yes and he took his cock and pumped large gobs of cum all over my tits. I rubbed the cum all over my chest. It was so hot. mohan got dressed, kissed me deeply and thanked me for a hot time. I told him I enjoyed it myself and looked forward to doing it again.

After coming home from work that evening I told my husband what happened. He was so excited and fucked me silly and I needed a cock badly. I imagine his cock fucking me was mohan’s cock and I came harder than ever in my life. my husband ask me if I wanted to try it again and I agreed quickly!

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Short Summary

To give you all a short summary about my last few days without any internet connection, no (mobile)phone but lot’s of fun.

First of all I have to say that my internet and mobilephone providers are some lousy bastards and made life not always easier as mentioned in their advertisements. About 50% of this month’s days I had no internet connection, my iPhone is still broken and noone cares. It’s at their repair service for about 6 weeks now and the ‘take this for a week’ iphone is back at my provider for about 5 weeks now.

I pay about 100 EURO for their services and their support each month, but they suck as hell and switch their contact persons every 2 days, so you cannot reach YOUR contact person twice in your lifetime. My lawyer dropped them some nice letters and all they said was: Sorry, but we TRY!

I don’t wanna call their names again, my lawyer told me to hide their names, but they will not get any money from me for this month and not next month. For a short time period I had a mobile surftstick (EDGE or something like that) but they even closed my last connection to world with the words: You reached your traffic limit of 250MB this month. So, please don’t get me wrong on this topic but that SUCKS really hard.

With a final call yesterday evening my internet connection came back, but only because some people in my neighbourhood called someone at my providers ‘Board of Leaders’ and told them to fight against their bad service and more. The lawsuit was prepared by some lawyers in my neighbourhood and a pre-official note was send already – 2.5 M EURO was their amount of money they wanted back from my providers EVERY DAY until every works fine again. I LOVE MY NEIGHBOURS! THANK YOU.

But now to something completely different

Nonetheless I enjoyed the last days as much as I could. I had some great meetings wih my boss (the woman with some really dirty secrets and some nice thoughts about sexual lifestyle) and spend some time with my girlfriend.

We enjoyed our days together in some coffeeshops, spend our time in the shopping malls around, went out to the cinema and visited the new gallery of a friend of us. We bought some new toys and some really dirty videos (especially made for women, but I think it was only a label) and had some really dirty fun.

I never had so much fun with a girl before and enjoy every single second with my girl. I enjoy it to talk with her, I enjoy it to have some nice hours with her in the cinema or in galleries and I enjoy it even more to have sex with her. We enjoy our bodies and try something new every day. There is no fantasy we keep out of our heads – we like to act different everybody we can. As my girl said yesterday: Never use the same dildo at the same place twice! I LOVE HER!

Complex Connotations (of a Seemingly Mundane Subconscious Experience)

There are certain topics in this world that individuals attempt to steer away from as often as possible. One such topic is religion, an issue that many find unsuitable for conversations in the workplace do to its heavy social influence and tendency to raise tempers. The same goes for politics which has different subject matter but not-so-coincidentally producees similar results.

Strangely, when I think of small issues that rarely come up in some form of conversation among my peers, these are the only two that come to mind. This, however, doesn’t mean that we’re constantly discussing issues of racism, world hunger and LGBT rights. In fact, more often than not we’re cracking jokes about them – and I’m okay with that on most levels. But when it comes time to discuss a natural part of our lives and we can barely say the word without giggling or shutting down out of discomfort or genuinely finding it funny, there really is a problem. There’s no way I can’t say it.


It’s something we need to be capable of talking about without laughing or numbing up at the thought of. At this stage in our lives things like friendship, individuality, freedom of speech, boys, girls and all that other jazz start seem more and more intense and are amplified to the extreme level. Our parents and teachers along with most other adutls are starting to badger us with speeches about birth control, STD’s and the trials of unplanned pregnancies. “Don’t forget to use a condom, son.” “Honey. Abstinence is the best birth control.” Worse still they could be telling us nothing about it (Just to clarify, “pulling out”  doesn’t work).

Knowing the facts about sex is incredibly important. Without that knowledge the teen pregnancy rate would be substantially hired and STD’s would spread like wildfires. However, I feel that when it comes down to us attempting to speak honestly about this topic the focus becomes incredibly uneven. From what I’ve heard as a teenager walking throughout my high school, it is quite rare to find people talking about sex on a level other than that of the stereotypical hormonally overwhelmed adolescent. And I truthfully feel, that it isn’t at all healthy.

Recently, I awoke from what to me was a rather unsettling dream. A rather graphic sexual image of young woman I had hardly known and had barely thought about recently wouldn’t seem to remove itself from my mind. It was a topic I felt I like I couldn’t discuss with anyone I knew, not even my closest friends. When I finally brought myself to tell somebody something about it I was relieved to find that I wasn’t judged and my mind was freed from the image but not from its subtext. I soon came to realize that what truthfully bothered me was on more of an emotional level of not knowing what significance this girl holds for me and even know, I barely feel capable of saying anything to anybody.

Now I realize that sex itself is not to difficult of a subject for us to tackle. When can joke about, talk about it’s mechanics and shoot some bullshit about how great this “fine ass hoe” I was with was all we want but that’s all the easy stuff. There is a different between talking about intercourse or  fucking, and sex because when you’re talking about the former two everything is guarded in some way whether it be the science of it or the artificial nature of the things that you’re saying. However, when you’re really talking about sex, or at least when I am, you’ve made yourself completely vulnerable by exposing yourself intellectually, emotionally and in any other way you can think. And in discussing our own experience (or inexperience) in these matters we aren’t just discovering more about sex and it’s connotations but more importantly ourselves. Which brings me to the point of this post.

I have a challenge for you.

During this time of adolescence, we are deep into one of the most emotionally challenging parts of our lives and on a daily basis we are either having a nuclear or meltdown or gearing up for yet another one. We need to know that we aren’t alone in what we are going through. It is crucial that we are understood as more than the hormonally challenged subjects of Hollywood films. 

For this reason, Dream Weaver Productions is launching a special project for teenagers specifically. Using the testimony of you wonderful people here at This Space Intentionally Left Blank, I would like to express on film the impact that sex has on people our age.  If you want your voice to be heard, you can either post a comment below or send a personal message to me or A.  To achieve the most honest expression of the human experience possible all submissions will be anonymous. No one will be judged no matter what they say so please be as open as you can here.  You may talk about anything you would like whether it be losing your virginity, not losing your virginity, relationships, etc. If you have any questions e-mail me or leave a comment.

Any assistance an putting this project forward is greatly appreciated. Let’s try and start something.


Friday, September 25, 2009

She's Not That Into You

I’m sure many of you caught the 2009 movie, He’s Just Not That Into You. The movie proved to be entertaining and down-right hilarious, not surprising at all, especially with such a star-studded cast including Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Ben Affleck, Drew Barrymore and Justin Long.

This film basically teaches us  what signs to look out for to tell if a guy  is a jerk is not interested in you. From a lady’s perspective, I’ll now tackle the signs that spell out: She’s not that into you.

10. She’s Always ‘Busy’.
She tells you she has to baby-sit, walk the dogs, take care of her grandma, or whatever it may be. If she is interested in you, she will make time for you.

9.  She Doesn’t Reply Your Text Messages

8. She Doesn’t Facebook you.
Girls are generally very into Facebook-ing. They simply love it, and if they don’t Poke you, write on your wall, mention you in their status, or worse still add you as a friend, then you better give up.

7. She avoids any form of physical contact with you.
She clearly draws the line between friends and more-than-just-friends.

6. She’s Not Easily Amused
Girls have a tendency to giggle a lot when they are with a guy they like. They are enthusiastically interested in everything you say, they will laugh at all your jokes. But if you don’t get a response from her, it could only mean that she couldn’t care less.

5. She Talks About Her Crushes & Other Hot Guys
She probably doesn’t care about how you feel. And after all, she’s probably more in love with these other guys than she is with you.

4. She Never Introduces You To Friends or Family
If she sees you more than just a friend, she’ll be more than excited to show you off to her friends and let you meet her parents.

3. She Just Can’t Be Bothered.
You forget her birthday, an she just laughs it off. You arrive one hour late, but unlike how a normal girlfriend would act, she simply tells you off and forgets about it.

2. She Talks About Her Ex-Boyfriends
A girl who really likes you would know her limits. She wouldn’t want you to feel any sense of insecurity, and she’ll want to send the right signals to you to let you know she’s interested.

1. She Isn’t Very Lady-Like.
She’s not embarrassed if she ‘accidentally’ burps in front of you, nor does she practice any discretion with her language. You may even find her talking with her mouth full of food. And one thing you’ll notice is that she doesn’t bother dressing up for you.

What Women Want

GUYS LISTEN UP BECAUSE THIS IS HUGE – Women crave non-sexual touch – when there is no agenda for sex. Old news? Definitely. But women are still complaining by the droves – they want it, they ask for it (or maybe they’ve given up), and they aren’t getting it. And they want more than just hand holding. How about a shoulder rub or hand massage? Or comb her hair with your fingers. Or maybe just listen to her body and let it tell you what she wants.

Non-sexual touch speaks to a woman’s heart.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mackenzie Phillips Says She Had Sex With Her Dad

Former child star Mackenzie Phillips claims that she had a decade-long sexual relationship with her father, pop superstar John Phillips, who also taught her how to roll joints and injected her with cocaine.

Mackenzie Phillips, 49, writes in her new book, “High on Arrival,” that she had sex with her father on the night before she was to get married in 1979 at age 19.

Phillips wrote in her book: “I woke up that night from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father.” John Phillips, who died in 2001, was the leader of the 1960s group the Mamas and the Papas.

She told “The Oprah Winfrey Show” in an interview that her siblings “definitely have a problem with this.” Winfrey also read a statement from Genevieve Waite, John Phillips’ wife at the time of the alleged abuse and Mackenzie’s stepmother. Waite’s statement said John Phillips was “incapable, no matter how drunk or drugged he was, of having such a relationship with his own child.”

Phillips, 49, who starred on TV’s “One Day at a Time,” said the sexual relationship with her father lasted a decade and ended when she became pregnant and didn’t know who had fathered the child. She had an abortion, which her father paid for, and “and I never let him touch me again.”

Phillips’ mother is Susan Adams, the first of John Phillips’ four wives. He was also married for eight years to “Mamas and Papas” singer and co-founder Michelle Phillips.

Big Boob Nature Hikes!


Big Boob Nature Hikes!

Today Robert met this chick Jasmine and all I have to say is, WOW! She’s fucking hot with long legs, juicy sexy lips to go with that smoking body of hers and of course some nice big NATURAL tits, yes they are the REAL DEAL fellas. Once they get acquainted with each other Robert wants to know about her sexual dreams that she’s had, well needless to say you know what happens next, she gets all hot and horny pleasuring herself with a dildo that Robert gave her, shoving it in her ass while he sticks his finger in her tight wet pussy. Then Robert’s friend stops by and gives her what she begs for, a hard cock stuffed in her ass. Enjoy! Click here!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Variasi - variasi Ciuman

Bercinta rasanya hambar tanpa sebuah ciuman penuh sensasi. seperti sayur tanpa garam, hehheheh.  Tak heran bila ciuman selalu menjadi hidangan pembuka yang paling ditunggu sebelum ajang bercinta dimulai. Menyiasati ciuman yang membosankan, ada berbagai variasi ciuman terdahsyat yang bisa Anda lancarkan agar pasangan semakin terpesona pada aksi liar Anda di awal bercinta.

Mari kita kenali variasi – varisai ciuman di bawah ini, CEKIDOTTT:

Butterfly Kiss

Pada tahap ini, Anda bisa memulainya dengan mencium beberapa area tubuh pasangan sambil mengedipkan bulu mata Anda, sehingga pasangan merasa geli. Ciuman ini bisa Anda daratkan di bagian pipi, ujung bibir, dahi atau perut.

Eskimo Kiss

Ciuman istimewa dengan cara saling menggosok-gosokkan hidung Anda dengan pasangan. Agar lebih seru dan menikmati sensasi udara yang dingin seperti di Eskimo, lakukan ciuman sensual ini di depan lemari es yang terbuka. Tentu saja pasangan tak akan melupakan sensasi liar Anda.

Freeze Kiss

Ciuman kali ini bisa Anda laksanakan seusai bibir ditempeli es batu, Dingin namun menyenangkan, ada cara lain yang tak kalah serunya, yakni Anda dan pasangan berciuman mesra sambil memainkan es batu dengan lidah di dalam mulut. Jika ingin membuatnya terpesona, tunjukkan kelihaian lidah Anda.

Foot Kiss

Ciuman romantis penuh isyarat. Mungkin pasangan Anda akan merasa sedikit geli jadi buatlah pasangan merasa lebih santai dan menikmati setiap ciuman yang Anda berikan. Caranya pijat-pijat terlebih dahulu kakinya sembari dielus-elus lalu mulailah aksi ciuman dimulai dari bagian bawah dan terus bergerak ke atas.

The Buzzing Kiss

Alternatif lainnya di awal babak bercinta, Anda bisa menciumnya tepat di bagian belakang telinganya dengan perlahan lalu dengan suara geraman dan dengungan mesra menuju ke lehernya. Gigit-gigit lehernya dengan perlahan sampai Anda menemukan bibir pasangan.

Lick Kiss

Lick kiss bisa Anda nikmati, yakni sebelum ciuman berlangsung, mainkan lidah Anda pada bibir pasangan. Jika suasana makin memanas, kemudian masukkan lidah anda ke dalam mulutnya. Citakan ciuman yang sensual agar pasangan tak melepas bibirnya dari bibir Anda.

Vacuum Kiss

Ciuman kal ini bisa Anda lakukan sambil meniup mulut pasangan sampai pipi mengembang. Lalu kempiskan sehingga ada angin bertiup bolak-balik dari mulut Anda ke mulut pasangan. Tapi hati-hati masuk angin!

Sip Kiss

Sebelum mencium pasangan, teguk sedikit minuman favorit Anda. Lalu tumpahkan di dalam mulutnya, selanjutnya lumat bibirnya dengan perlahan dan biarkan si dia menikmati setiap ciuman panas Anda.

Nip Kiss

Ciuman yang erotis dan penuh sensasi. Saatnya berciuman, sesekali gigitlah bibirnya lakukan dengan benar dan sabar serta jangan sampai membuatnya menjerit kesakitaan.

Tongue Sucking

Merupakan variasi dari French Kiss, ketika Anda dan pasangan saling memainkan lidah, sesekali hisaplah lidahnya. Pastinya pasangan akan merasa lebih seksi

Sex - Men and Women and Gender Differences

When it comes to sex women need a reason; men just need a place.

Adam came first – but men usually do.

Women fake orgasm because men fake foreplay.

He’ll fall asleep and she’ll fall in love.
While sexual humor may bring a chuckle and provide ammunition for late night talk show hosts, it also carries seeds of truth. Clearly men and women are different when it comes to sex. There are no wrongs, no rights, and no one inhabits another planet. (more)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Love and Sexuality: From Ancient Greece to the Present

The cultural definition of love has changed over time.  In Plato’s Symposium, the characters discuss different possible meanings of love.  One person advocates for love of a boy over love of women and said it needed to be love of the soul rather than love of the body.  While the first is not exactly a popular viewpoint now, the second part seems to resonate more with current perceptions of love.  As a culture, we seem to look down upon those who marry for looks or money.  Aristophanes’ speech also had aspects that would be familiar to modern readers.  He discusses a myth that everyone used to be two bodies attached together and that the gods had split them into two when they had caused some trouble.  So, theoretically, everyone is looking for their other half literally.  That is an idea that we are familiar with; we are supposed to find our soul mate or other half to spend our life with.  However, earlier in this blog, there was a post re-reading this speech, suggesting that perhaps we would be looking for our other half in men and women, no matter our gender, because we do not know the gender of our other half.  Should we adopt this view now?  It seems to allow for more fluidity in our relationship choices and would leave us more open to different possibilities.  After reading the Symposium, I wondered if our understanding of sexuality is too strict.  We are stuck on identity categories to define our sexuality: are you straight, gay or bi?  Once one defines oneself as one or the other, one probably ignores feelings leading in other directions.  In many other aspects of life, we don’t fit into binary categories.  For example, while many identify as liberal or conservative, if we looked at their individual values, we would find that many had some view that were liberal and some that were conservative.  So, do you think we fit nicely into a category (straight, gay, bi, etc.) or do you think there’s more of a continuum of sexuality, in which we fit somewhere in between all the possibilities?

Preventing sexual assault: Tips guaranteed to work!

Please distribute this list.  Put it up in your place of work, in your university’s library or wherever you think theymight be read:

1. Don’t put drugs in people’s drinks in order to control their behavior.

2. When you see someone walking by themselves, leave them alone!

3. If you pull over to help someone with car problems, remember not to assault them!

4. NEVER open an unlocked door or window uninvited.

5. If you are in an elevator and someone else gets in, DON’T ASSAULT THEM!

6. Remember, people go to laundry to do their laundry, do not attempt to molest someone who is alone in a laundry room.

7. USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM! If you are not able to stop yourself from assaulting people, ask a friend to stay with you while you are in public.

8. Always be honest with people! Don’t pretend to be a caring friend in order to gain the trust of someone you want to assault. Consider telling them you plan to assault them. If you don’t communicate your intentions, the other person may take that as a sign that you do not plan to rape them.

9. Don’t forget: you can’t have sex with someone unless they are awake!

10. Carry a whistle! If you are worried you might assault someone “on accident” you can hand it to the person you are with, so they can blow it if you do.

Thanks to Feminist Law Professors!

Monday, September 21, 2009

männer haben herbstgedanken

ein freund (33) und ich am see. die herbstsonne scheint uns ins gesicht, die füsse auf der quai-mauer, der see glitzert.

ich: is herbst…

er: ja, gülden blätter, maroni und all der scheiss


ich: ich mag den herbst

er: jau, entspannend. alles fällt und hängt und verdorrt.

ich: reit doch drauf rum.

er: du bist empfindlich, seit du 40 geworden bist.

ich: hmpf

er: weisst du, kreislauf des lebens und buddhismus und so. nur dass die bäume im frühling wieder kommen. du nicht. chrchrchr

ich: jau. aber der herbst des lebens hat auch seine guten seiten.

er: ?

ich: mir gefallen jetzt viel mehr frauen. die bandbreite erstreckt sich jetzt von 20 bis 45.

er: jep. nur nutzt dir das bald nichts mehr.

ich: hmpf

er (nachdenklich): ob bäume wieder blühen, wenn man ihnen viagra spritzt?

zürich im herbst (seepromenade beim bürkliplatz)

Sex, Violence, and American Evangelicals

Watching A Movie with Evangelicals

A number of years ago I watched the movie Schindlers List with a group of friends.
One friend got up in the middle of the movie to fast forwarded the scene of Schindler and his wife making love. I am not sure if he realized that scene was a moment of beauty, healing and intimacy in the story. He did identify it as sex, and he apparently did not think that any of us should watch that type of behavior.
Oh yeah, that same friend did not have any problem “allowing” the group watch the violence and killing in the film.

That story is telling of how many of my fellow evangelicals deal with sex and violence.

Why do we think that sex on the screen is bad, but violence on the screen is good?
Many of us are sex resistant.We think that sex is inherently “dirty.”
Many of us embrace violence. We think that it is good to kill the “bad guys.”

Where does that approach lead us? 

Studies show that evangelicals have the same sexual behavior as the rest of the country. Studies also show that we evangelicals are more supportive of violent force than the rest of the country.

Comparing Sex and Violence in the Scriptures

Sex is a powerful and good part of God’s creation. Once sin enters the world, there are times when sex is abused and tainted.  However, sex within the proper context continues to be celebrated.

Violence does not exist in the biblical story until after sin enters the world. The first few times that we read of violence, the point is that sin has broken the world. God gave people the guidline “No Killing.” Anytime that violence is seen in the story it is either described as an act of evil or a response to evil. It is not a good thing. Jesus and His followers seem to go even further, telling and showing us that violence is not the right response to evil. 

How shall we deal with sex and violence?

Do we evangelicals need to do a better job living out biblical sexuality? Yes!
We also need to be more consistent with how we address sin and morality.  Specifically, we need to drastically readjust our views on violence. Scriptures call us to reject the glorification of violence.

May we lead our culture in support of peace, not violence.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Fallopian Tubes, My Country



According to, “Puerto Rico, a U.S. Commonwealth, has the highest percentage of sterilized women in the entire world.”  The website also states that, within the continental U.S. today, Latinas as a demographic are the most frequents targets of sterilization programs: “in New York Latinas have a sterilization rate seven times higher than white women and almost twice that of Black women.”

I had never heard of forced sterilization before reading John D’Emilio and Estelle B. Freedman’s Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America.  According to the Merck Manual of Medical Information, sterilization, or removing one’s ability to sexually reproduce, is achieved by “disrupting the tubes that carry sperm or the egg.”  In men, sterilization consists of a vasectomy: “a short procedure, done in the doctor’s office.”  For a woman’s body, sterilization is more complicated.  Women who undergo a tubal ligation require both an incision in the abdomen and anesthetic.  Of particular interest to those who would target vulnerable mothers: “Women who have just delivered a child can be sterilized immediately after childbirth or on the following day, without staying in the hospital any longer than usual.”


D’Emilio and Freedman write that in the 1970s, “it came to light that in Aiken, South Carolina, the only doctor willing to deliver babies of welfare recipients required that mothers of more than two children first agree to sterilization” (315). Forced sterilization of poor women and other minorities has been and still is a serious social problem and a human rights violation of those whose reproductive labors are deemed social ills by doctors and government authorities. 

To this point, the authors continue: “In 1973, the National Abortion Action Coalition revealed that fourteen states were debating legislation designed to coerce women on welfare to undergo sterilization.  As the sponsor of one such bill declared, ‘People who live like animals should be treated as such’” (315).  Though much of this legislation has since been overturned, the United States was the forerunner in developing compulsory sterilization methods and other means of population control in a eugenics movement designed to “purify” its citizenry. 

In her essay, “Dark Chapter of American History: U.S. Court Battle Over Forced Sterilization,” (2000), Christa Piotrowski writes that those who masterminded the so-called science of eugenics, “advocated keeping the “Anglo-American race” pure.”  Purity would require the prevention of “‘inferior’ people of allegedly poor genetic stock” from reproducing.  Along with welfare recipients, those with “poor genetic stock” included: black, native, and hispanic Americans, “‘morally and intellecutally inferior’ immigrants from eastern and southern Europe,” and those unfortunate enough to be defined “epilectics, manic-depressives, prostitutes, alcoholics, the homeless and criminals.”  Eugenicists’ belief, as summarized by the words of President Calvin Coolidge at the signing of the 1924 Immigration Restriction Act, was this: “America must remain American.”  Apparently, their America was not constituted by, or did not have room for, those persons who were not healthy, wealthy, and white. 

The practice of forced sterilization, in whatever guise or tool employed, is troubling.  The violation of one’s body without one’s consent or complete understanding is troubling.  The power elected authorities and dominant insitutions have to regulate life and remake society in accordance with their own ideal images is troubling.  What is also troubling, though, is the possibility that the promotion of sterilization arises from legitimate concerns.  Who should take responsibility for children born to parents who don’t have the social, emotional, or financial resources to take care of them?  Who gets to determine that they do indeed lack these resources? Why do those who do lack such resources lack them in the first place?  Is it pragmatic to attempt to deal with a problem whose roots are deep and widespread by simply snipping off troubling outgrowths, or is inane and horrific?  Any thoughts???

686. Breasts Exposed in Public — Part II

I got ahead of social development with too much detail about how men respond to bare boobs in the public arena. Mrs. Guy vetoed my effort, so I’ll fall back, recap, and stay on track.

Europe. Women appear topless in various areas where interaction between the sexes is not normally face to face. Such as swimming pools, beaches, saunas, etc. Also, breasts and full female nudity sometimes appear in newspapers, advertisements, and TV commercials. Women should pay more attention. It opens the door for expansion of breast exposure and full nudity, when the right inducements come along. The next generation or two of young females will provide such inducement.

America. Young women, especially coeds and concert goers, lift tee shirts to expose their breasts. We can call them the first generation. What will the second generation look like and do? The third? If the history of copying European social practices means anything, American women will venture into other areas close to but somehow different from Europeans. The net result, however, means more boobs in the limelight and full nudity on the way.

Trends. A new generation comes around about every seven years. About that often girls (and boys too) turn away from their older siblings and generate new and different social identities, habits, music, and adventures that put a stamp on their generation. Invariably, they outdo their siblings who outdid their moms.

That’s the situation. Tomorrow, some effects on men and women.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

the letter to her that i kept in my pocket

the corridor leads to strange eggs. That limp with the secret submarines of the sky. Never was there anything like that before. I know I hadn’t seen anything like it. But he did, I stood next to him. The trains had  passed is. The universe stirred beyond the skies. We had seen it all. Different voices had spoke to us.

My castles lay inbetween the whispers of the gentle grass that blew in the wind. There was no stalling us. Everhthing beyond had landed in our laps. As gentle as a falling flower. I kissed him on his lips. He read my palms. The lanes of strange countries levitated out of them…. — these lanes had come out like tornados in desert sands, seizing time. Coexisting with rest of the sad faces of Turkish children. Holding the hands of their little sister. Wishing the had lollipops in their pockets. I said to him.

“Listen to the voice in your heart that sings comrade.” “The voice that plays the dead Gibson guitar. Who revives its soul…..Holding the heart of a dead guitar, Feel it beat like a timebomb in his hands.” “The heart never fail’s you I said.” “It holds on to your bleeding lips, tasting its sweetness” “No shadows lurk in here.” “It is just you and your soul buddy.” I spit a logy into the desert sand. The crows were calling so I looked up. Beyond still sitting in our laps. No favors. No commitments. Dizzy stars circle in the depths of our retinas. Children playing see saws on them. Some lunging on to mommy’s left leg.

“Why do they talk like that mommy” a little girl said. A lollipop in her pocket. Content. Loving the sight of a murky ocean. So late in the night. The stars sing to her cradling babies in their arms. She loves him. Oh so much. She saw into distant horizons, seeing beyond the dreams of Alexander. The soft leg of her mothers thighs. How sentimental could someone get anyway? Why so soft. Our ribs melt like petroleum when we touch it. Dear mother, I can feel my heart in my hands. I CAN FEEL IT!! I spoke to me. It listened to my hands. My hands were like ears. My ears spoke to people. People never heard me.

Oh, I love the feeling of my face to a cement wall I though. How luxurious, Fresher than the scent of exposed flesh.  IT is just me and my sorrow. I melt into the ground.

But no, it didn’t end there. He revived me. Revived me. He saw into my galaxies. I haven’t seen anything like that he told me. My chest opened up to him like the doors of a catholic church. “These are my secrets baby. Gentle unicorn. You glow like a crown when I say that.” He said and kissed my gentle wrists that hung there like a tormented branch in a misty forrest. I have wanted to kiss you so many times Pamela. The backdoors of my heart is aching. They held on to each other in the bitter cold february winds. Take my arms. My legs. I will just sit here with my shattered ribs. As they die for you. Blowing away in the cold cold February winds. 

I will have to crawl out the sand with the sand grinding on my face. They had whipped me. My wounds sprayed with red as the lashes kissed my flesh. They opened their lips to sing silent songs to you. I am blind but I want to feel only with my lips. With all the cavities in its soul to suck you into a vision of near lust. Somethings just don’t cling on to its walls. The flesh of its wild berries. Secreting its sweet juices onto your skin. Maybe it tasted like blood. Yes, it was where I stood. Watching you sitting there, in the dim light of a warm room reading Scandinavian poetry. The horses dance in glory out two large panoramic arches. With statues of kissing angels clinging to the pillars with their hands. 

The soft sound of harps on the other. The music that portrayed itself as the barrel of polished guns.  There is nothing, only nothing but a tunneling darkness. Only lasting long enough to hear the whispers of its endless ghosts. I kissed. The air…And all its echos. 

“The stars don’t talk to me anymore.” the little girl said to her mommy.

I love to suck and worship cocks

Read after, “Seduction in the Park Makes My Pussy Very Wet.”

Gavin and I were giggling like crazy by the time we reached the top of the steps to my apartment. We hadn’t been drinking, but it was obvious we were intoxicated on love… or lust.

We burst in through my door and Gavin took me into his arms and pressed me against it.

When our lips connected sparks flew through my body. I’d heard of electric kisses before, but now I was experiencing one.

Our tongues darted and flicked out of each other’s mouth. I have an oral fixation so I spent a little extra time licking Gavin’s lips, and gliding my tongue across his polished teeth.

My pussy was dripping like crazy making my panties wet and sticky. I knew he smelt my scent, but if he’d really read my books, he must have known what was coming next.

I wanted to run my tongue and lips across his beautiful prick.

I took Gavin by the hand and led him back to my bedroom. I purposely placed him at the end of my bed and our eyes met as did our lips for another heated kiss.

I couldn’t restrain myself though and unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts. They dropped to the floor and as he stepped out of them, he kicked off his sandals.

His boxer briefs drew tightly across his stiff cock. A wet spot formed across the straining material at the tip.

Pre-cum, yummy.

“Wait,” he said as I started to tug down his underwear and release his dick from it’s captivity. “I want to smell your scent from your panties.”

I teasingly lifted my simple skirt revealing their pink lace.

He tugged them off, but I backed away from his seeking lips just as he tried to graze my clit with them.

“Nu, uh, uh…” I said. “Not until you cum to me, twice.”

I stepped out of the silky material. He took them and inhaled their sexy scent.

His cock twitched.


I knelt before his erection still contained inside his briefs. I felt like it was Christmas morning and a nice thick juicy cock was on my wish list and I was about to get everything I’d ever asked for.

I slowly peeled off his underwear and as I did, his cock sprung to attention as it flopped out before my salivating mouth.

“Mouthwatering,” I said pushing him back on my bed in a seated position.

“You’re so damn sexy,” he said.

“Thank you.”

I responded as I started bobbing my mouth up and down onto his delicious prick.

Being shy is so overrated.

I took my left hand and stretched the skin of his shaft down toward his balls, and in a twisting motion I used my right hand to stroke his perfect prick as I devoured his bulbous head with my tongue and lips.

His cock filled my mouth full and I loved how every once in awhile he’d push my head down onto it.

You’ve got the Goddess giving you a blow job now baby.

After several minutes of stroking and twisting, licking and sucking he looked like he was about to cum.

I pulled off him and started to take off my shirt.

Gavin helped me and as he did he pulled off my matching lace bra.

My big tits flopped out, bouncing with joy upon their release. He immediately took them into his hands and started playing with them. He still had my sticky panties in his hand and I could smell my scent.

“When you cum Gav, I want you to shoot your jizz all over my big titties.”

He nodded.

I continued to give him a blow job. I sucked his balls into my mouth one at a time and licked the shaft of his prick getting it super wet.

My spit ran down his shaft of his cock, soaking it and my fingers. I continued to suck on his dick and jack him off with one hand as I slipped my index finger, ever so gently into his asshole.

“Oh fuck,” he said.

He shouldn’t have been surprised. That was a Goddess trademark skill.

He started spewing strands of cum into the back of my throat, then pulled out leaving it stringing onto my lips, chin and finally splashing down across my big titties.

“Fuck ya Gavin, you’re so sexy baby.”

“De, d, d….”

He stuttered as I slipped my finger a little further inside his asshole and continued to jack his cock dry.


When Gavin was finished shooting his hot load I pulled my finger out, and dropped my skirt.

He layed back on my bed, breathless.

I climbed on top of him and straddled his muscular thighs, being careful not to let my pussy touch him in any way or get too close to his dick yet.

Our eyes met and he raised an eyebrow, wondering what I was about to do.

That’s when I went back down on his soft cock to get him hard again, and suck him until orgasm one more time before we fucked.

It was going to be a fun night.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What would you do?

Good morning!

I’ve slept on my anger and let it go away. Now I’m back in a funny mood so it’s all good. BUT…I have decided…for a plethora of reasons…to make a huge change in my plans.

To that end, I’ve been taking roads that I had never considered navigating. One of the turns has me asking my most recent ex husband to consider a one time payment of the balance of my alimony that would benefit both him and myself.

I’m not happy about that and I may still yet back out if negotiations should downhill and it looks like it won’t be worth it to me. I made a fair offer, I assure you. It was so fair that he jumped on it. But, should he get in the mood to haggle, I’ll push away from that particular table. My plan will not change, I’ll simply have to set course on a different road. By the way, all roads lead to Chicago.

All I wanted to do was to be with my daughter and my ex husband has done a number on her while she is in a particularly pliable condition. That’s all I can say without breaking confidentiality but trust me, I wanted to be with my daughter to help her through it. Now that the little Italian wart dude has manipulated my daughter in the way he has…I can safely say that he has attacked my very last vulnerability and like Aragon in ‘Lord of the Rings, I have decided to ride out amongst the Orks and meet Sauron’s army head on.

That translates into a move to Chicago. This decision was not made without careful consideration. I had to list some pros and cons to be sure that I was doing the right thing so I did.


1. All of my children make NUMEROUS trips to Chicago and I have enough of short, round and bald’s family members who would keep me abreast of when the kids were there if no one else did. That’s a guarantee to see them on holidays.

2. I have friends and family in Chicago, I know the city and it IS my home after all.

3. This would drive my PERFIDIOUS, DUPLICITOUS AND SURREPTITIOUS INVERTEBRATE of an ex-husband, not to mention his corpulent, addlepate miscreant cohort absolutely BONKERS!

4. I LOVE Chicago in the springtime!


6. I don’t discuss the Sears Tower much in Atlanta but I would think that in Chicago, there would be a LOT of opportunities to, in protest, continue to refer to the tallest building in the country as “The Sears Tower”.

7. If I asked for directions to a guitar shop, I will not be sent to a “gud tar shop”.

8. Many, many more men in Chi-Town…and they are men of some quality. (And I already know where a few of them are.

9. EXCELLENT radio stations.

10. One word…OPRAH. My antics could keep her busy for a weeks worth of shows.

11. Other “First Wife’s” will live vicariously through me as they watch me leave my exile in Georgia and move alarmingly close to my bully of a cheating ex and his freak of the fenales. Other “First Wives” (and some husbands as well!) will understand the havoc wreaked upon an emotional terrorist when the terror victim decides to say, “Let’s ROLL!”

12. Chicago has some of the best museums in the world and I ADORE museums.

13. Vienna Beef

14. I want to stare at the Bean some more.

15. Many more sailboats and a lake so big that you sail away from the glaring eyes of the people on the land. Lake Lanier is nice, but if I fell out at any spot on it, I could easily breaststroke to the shore.

16. SNOW! I may eventually get sick of it, but it will take a few Chicago winters.

17. I won’t miss my next class reunion.

18. This move may send my ex to Georgia…need I say more?

19. MANY opportunities to run into my short ex and his freakishly tall cohort.

20. I’ll be ever so much closer to the REAL Acorn money.


1. I’ll need more xanax.

2. Oh yeah, I’ll need a winter coat, gloves, a scarf, ear muffs, boots and those cool hand warmer things that you can also stick in your shoes.

So, what do you guys think? Any constructive suggestions will most assuredly be considered. Also, if you’d really like to see me stick it to an ex who has left me no others coices, let me know. I can use all the help I can get.

Now, all I have to do is get there.


I want sex

Ok, who doesn’t? It’s not an easy thing to get when you’re stuck in your house studying and trying to be faithful to a boy who doesn’t even care about you. He is perfect to me: sweet, sexy, smart. The only problem, and is a small one, considering his qualities, is that he has no time for me (or anything else, I guess). He is 16 and is constructing his future, learning all he can and stuff, and I feel guilty every time I think about asking him out and taking him away from the classes. Well, not that he would accept any invitation from me that would distract him ¬¬

Right now I’m quite horny, ’cause I’m without sex for quite a while. What can I do? Go to manhunt and find someone for a quick-sex-thing? The last times I tried so weren’t very nice.

I have a thing for sex, you know? I’m the kind of person that probably leaves everything to have sex, and that’s not nice. At least I’m not very sociable, so my sex mania kind of looses it’s impact. People always get surprised by the fact that I really enjoy doing it. Over and over again.

Well, I hope that at least I’ll have a nice sexy dream.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Bee's Knees Sexy Sweet Nothings TMI Thursday

***Alright, folks, you know the rules. Join us all in humiliating the crap out of yourself every Thursday by sharing some completely tasteless, wholly unclassy, “how many readers can I estrange THIS week??” TMI story about your life. Or hell, about someone else’s!

Well this would be my first TMI Thursday write ever.  I have been told that I should do this and week after week I rack my brain for something about poo or vagina’s to write about and I come up empty.

My Gram and I were on the phone for FOUR hours after she left the other day and we were sharing stories about relationships.  It was then that my first TMI story revealed itself to me.

Hope it’s all you ever hoped for Courtni!

I once dated a fireman.  We will call him J.  J was HOT.  I wish I had a picture because he so yummy!  He had a killer body and a nice chiseled face.  Blond hair, blue eyes.  He always looked like he just hopped off a surfboard.

Pretty much the same bod, yup. *nod*

Very Fireman-esque.  I had more than one friend that was hot for his bod as soon as they met him.  ESPECIALLY after they found out he was a fireman.   Something about a uniform.  Don’t ask me cause I am guilty too.  Something about uniforms and/or suits.  As a matter of fact, throw Hubby into a suit and I am putty in his hands!

See?? Putty I tell ya.

Seriously.  But I digress…

J and I barely dated, so I use that term loosely.  But while I was still with my ex, who we will call Satan, I started working with J.  He was the maintenance man in the building I worked at.  He did that part time.  (Apparently being a fireman isn’t the paying gig that one might think it should be.)

Anyhoo… after I left Satan, J offered to help me move out. What a guy! *(I barely took anything when I left so it was a relatively easy move.)  But after he so nicely assisted me, we began to hang out more.  And when I say dated is a loose term, I mean he never took me anywhere except to Target once to help him shop.  I KNOW!  Lol

However, he started coming around more and I thought… I have never been a promiscuous person, but I just ended a 10 year nightmare relationship.  And this guy was HOT.  So I figured since the making out was so good (and it was)… why not? *grin*

So lemme set the scene for you.

We are making out on my couch.  The heavy petting kind of making out.  And I am thinking “YAY!! This is going to be awesome!!” He is breathing heavy, I am breathing heavy.  We are both still fully clothed, but things are heating up so I expect that will change any minute.

And then while nibbling on my ear, he whispers something that no man has ever said to me before.

J:  “Do you feel that baby?….” long pause… more excited noises “….That is my Chapstick tube”


Me:  “umm, whaaaat?”

J: “I said do you feel that?  That is my Chapstick tube”

WTF did he just say?!?!!!

Me: “umm… listen, I don’t think this is going to work for me.”

Talk about a MOOD KILLER!!  After that I made him leave.  I just thought, “WTF was *I* thinking!??!”

And I never heard from him again.  Ever.  LOL  He didn’t call or write or anything.  Just *POOF* gone.


In other news…

I got an AWARD!!!  Why you ask?? Well cause I rock, thats why.  ayup!

Stacie of Stacie’s Madness gave me this award…

Since one of my all time favorite sayings is The Bee’s Knees, I just thought it was so fitting.  Don’t you agree???

(This is where you say yes, btw)

Here is the rules of the award:


1) When accepting your Bee’s Knees award you should link back to the person that presented it to you.

2) You should pass the love onto any other blogger(s) as many or as few as you so desire.

So then I had to go and think.  Who’s blogs are the Bee’s Knees.  And better yet, who would accept the award.  (I am just picking three of my fav’s, not THE ONLY fav’s so just hush. Otherwise, I will be here all day)  Sooooo, without further ado, I proudly present the Your Blog is The Bee’s Knees award to :

Jill of The Pilgrim Congress

LiLu of Live it LOVE it

Lani of Triplets: Who knew?

Any crazy TMI situations you have found yourself in?  Feel free to share below!

Have a FAB Thursday!!

Latest Prize Review from

From one the longest running Bondage Producers a extensive review from JBRoper wrote:

Everyone is a mainstream movie aficionado. We love mainstream movies with

action, adventure, drama, props, locations, actors, actresses, great

storylines, special effects, etc. We love this make believe world and it

seems to fill a void that all of us need. Many of us however are also

fetishists and we want to see our fetishes realized. So for that we have to

go to commercial movies geared towards our particular fetish (in this case

bondage). It gives us what we need, but it is always missing all those

elements of mainstream that we love too. That stuff is hard to come by in a

commercial fetish video. It is all too expensive to produce for what you

will ultimately get out of it. The Holy Grail for us fetishists is to

combine all the qualities of the mainstream films with the kink of our

commercial fetish films to the point where the line blurs between the two

worlds, and you cant tell whether it is a mainstream film with some kink in

it, or a kink film with some mainstream in it. I would say that “The Prize”

is a commercial video that is geared towards our fetish, but it does have

some of those mainstream touches that we look for.

Camera work. I liked the way the camera panned up and

down on their bodies, as well as from one person to the next. It was

generally not too erratic and not too slow. A pretty good mix. There was a

decent amount of close-ups on the faces of the models. Always a plus I liked the lighting. Every scene seemed pretty well lit and even.

The editing was pretty good for a commercial film. I liked some of the special effects. The use of slow motion, fast motion, repeated frames,

split screens. It added some class to the film because it was not overused.

The storyline, while not overly complicated was good, and the acting was

pretty good. Both of the dark haired models were relatively good actors.

All of them had a good look for the film.

The closing title music was GREAT.

I loved the double (and then triple) hogtie scene at the end. The camera

angles were very good and it was a triple treat for the viewer.

I like the added touch of the “puff of smoke” and the POV camera angle.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

part 1: Lust

If you look lust up in the dictionary all you find are the following words, “1. Obsolete A: pleasure, delight.  B: personal inclination : wish  2. Intense or unbridled sexual desire: lasciviousness 3a. An intense longing: craving.  3b. Enthusiasm, eagerness”

Nowhere in the dictionary does it say that you will one day have to deal with being lusted after by a married man. It should have some sort of warning label next to it.

Don’t you think so?

I do.

I think life actually should come with an instruction booklet. Especially when it comes to lust and married men. As single girls we can go to a bookstore or a library and find books that will help us “land” the perfect husband, how to flirt “correctly” and how to have great sex. But nowhere in the bookstore or the library can you find books on how NOT to be the other woman or signs a married man is lusting after you.

Nope. You need to find out the hard way or find out until your heart is shattered and broken into a million pieces and there really isn’t anything you can do!

It would be one thing if the guy who is lusting after you would be up front and honest by telling you that he is married, unhappy, or that he just wants to know what its like to have hot sex. But it’s a totally another ballgame when he lies from the get-go and leads you astray. He leads you on a goose chase that you are NEVER going to win- ever!

A Brick in the Road

My heart is deeply troubled. One of my guy friends that I message regularly on Facebook chat told me he was feeling horny and asked if I had a sex toy. I’m thinking I need to either de-friend him or avoid him. Luckily I told him not to violate Matthew 5:28, but I don’t think he understood that. He’s not exactly a church goer.

I’m sort of feeling like I need to hang around my gal friends from now on. I’m seriously tired of being around friends that really aren’t my friends. I’m tired of people trying to use me and treat me lower than a prostitute. At least prostitutes have some dignity. Men treat me like I have none.

I need to pray about this. I also need to discern God’s will for me. I know this is strange to say, but I have always wanted children. It’s a weird desire, I know. But at the same time, would an earthly marriage prevent me from having a closer relationship with God? Are all men like this? Sometimes I wonder.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our youth on drugs

Sometime last week, I was walking down a popular residential colony when something smelt not right. Quickly, I realised that it was the smell of marijuana fumes. Some anti-social elements, American citizens of Indian origin were puffing away on lethal drugs. All of them were down on holiday.

Five or six of them, wasting their youth, on drugs.

One of the boys explained to me that a joint is made out of marijuana leaves and tobacco. The two are mixed, spread over a cigarette paper, and rolled. A roach or the filter of the joint is made out of used train tickets. Marijuana joints hamper the normal functioning of the brain, thus causing grades to decline.

“Marijuana prices have increased over the past few years.”, said one of the lads, they wouldn’t reveal their names.

“Look, this is the stock of the marijuana plant. I used to get all of this much (a whole lot of it he had in his bag) for Rs. 300 when I last came, some 4 years ago. It now costs me Rs. 900.”

“I enjoy smoking and then having sex.”, said another lad. “Nothing like fucking after a couple of joints +a whole bar of chocolate. Beer can follow the sex.”

All of these boys had weird beards and spoke in a funny accent. All of them are aspiring theater actors, or so they say.

“All the girls that we know smoke pot too. We only hang out with girls who smoke pot and have sex.”, said this lad.


SR // Stay In Your Lane

Sidepieces make the world go round..

These SR’s usually start off carefree and whimiscal.. a committed man and his sidepiece.. hangin out, hot sex on a platter, cheap dinner or maybe some shoes.. see your ass next time..


She starts getting greedy.. sidepieces need to learn their place..

If you are the cots (chick on the side).. you have rules to follow.. *this means you KNOW you are the cots*

1. Don’t call me, I’ll call you – helloooo!? I could be with my main at ANY time.. if Im tryna link up.. I’ll give youa call.. and if not, you sit tight and wait for it.. if you are lucky enough to have my number, you better dial that bitch private.. ring codes (ring twice and hang up) do NOT work because it gets suspicious..

2. Don’t send me any evidence – do not email, text, bbm or facebook me naked pictures or sexy messages.. the main is the main for a reason.. that bitch is smarter than your average bear (or dumb as hell in which case your “caught ya” time is longer).. if you send something that is suspect.. if will be discovered and the sidepiece will probably get her ass mollywhopped! (why do they always go after the girl?)

3. Don’t be diggin up shit – as a sidepiece, you are to stay as far away from the fam as possible.. don’t google map me, don’t yellow page me.. don’t find out ANYTHING about me I didn’t tell you.. if you show up and my house or call my house.. the main will mop the floor with your ass!

4. Don’t ask questions, just do as I say – whether Im tryna hide you before the front door opens, or Im tellin you not to kiss me in public.. you better comply! Asking questions wastes time and energy I could be spending finding a more compliant sidepiece

5. Don’t deviate from the script – if the lie is that you’re the cousin.. you must be the cousin AT ALL TIMES (in public).. you can’t go to the mall all hugged up so the Nordstrom’s cashier can call gf #1 and tell her she saw her man and his cousin hugged up (you either a liar or a perv)

6. Don’t ever think you’re safe – just because you go to the mall 60 miles away.. or you take a vacay to the cabins don’t mean you can’t be caught.. slick main chicks have friends in high and low places.. with camera phones! ..

7. Don’t go tellin your business – have you ever seen “The Women”!? Where ol girl tells her manicurist all about her new man.. and then manicurist tells his wife.. b/c she doesn’t know that’s his wife?! You keep this ish under WRAPS.. it’s called a secret romance for a reason!

8. Don’t try to become the main – a. if he is cheating with you.. he will cheat on you b. if he is lying to her.. he will lie to you c. you are already a homewrecking whore.. why would he want to wife that?!

9. Don’t think he won’t leave you to – oh you thought you were immune to getting dumped because your’re his jump off?! GIRL BYE! He will drop that ass like a hot potatoe as soon as a. you start getting clingy b. a new piece comes along c. your vag dries up 

10. Don’t get involved – DUH.. a jump off will NEVER benefit .. a Fendi bag will not cure a broken heart boo.. no matter how much material things or money you receive.. you won’t have love, trust, respect or honesty.. you’re just a dedicated call girl

In short.. I would advise women to check before the f*ck! If he isn’t committed.. he is free game.. but if he has someone.. keep it moving.. thats like picking up gum from the bottom of the desk and chewing it.. NASTY..

If you do decide to get your homewrecking ass in a SR w/ a committed man.. follow these rules.. watch your back.. and wrap the f up!


-m. lauren, regular SBF

Monday, September 14, 2009

The dulcent tones of NYC.

I’m all set up in my new apartment on the west side, which has been great.  I’m getting to know my neighbors.  Not in a “Hey, I’m Kate, I moved in next door here are some cookies,” but more in a “OK, sounds like guy to the left side of our building makes noises like he’s being strangled in 30 minute intervals, and woman to the right side of my room is either enjoying sexual activities, or is in some kind of trouble.”  Every morning at around 8 am. 

It is nice to be in a new neighborhood, though, after living in Stuyvesant Town for three years after college.  The median age of the folks in this neighborhood is around 30-35, whereas my people in Stuy Town were typically old folks with walkers.  And their noises included complaining constantly about us “young kids, moving in and terrorizing the place.” Grams next door did not look kindly upon me blasting my Top 40 tunes before I went out on a Saturday night.

I’m living with a European gentleman and while we’ve only seen each other twice, one of those times was yesterday when I came out to head to the gym, and he had come out of his room (how do I put this) naked… with a towel covering his nether regions.  Yet, just over the front, so there was some lower cheek exposed.  Two points: one, how do Europeans smoke, drink, eat whatever they want and never work out and still have perfect bodies?  And two, yes, it’s a bit awk, but if it’s gonna happen I’d rather he resemble the statue of David than Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s.  May he rest in peace.



[Fiction Short Story]



“She can take the flat, but I want custody of my son,” the man says emphatically to the marriage counselor in the family court.

“No way,” shouts the woman, “he can keep his flat, his money, everything. I don’t want anything from him. I just want my son.”

The marriage counselor looks at the eight-year-old boy and asks him lovingly, “Dear boy, tell me, what do you want?”

“I want both of them,” the boy says.

“Both of them?” the counselor asks looking a bit puzzled.

“Yes,” the boy says emphatically, “I want both my mummy and my daddy.”

“I think you both should give it a last try, at least for your child’s sake,” the counselor says to the man and the woman.

“No. I’ve had enough. It’s over. We can’t stay with this man!” the woman says.

“We?” the man asks incredulously, “What do you mean ‘we’…Well you are most welcome to go wherever you want, but my son is staying with me. I am his father!”

“And I am his mother!” the woman pleads anxiously to the man, “Listen, I don’t want anything from you – maintenance, alimony, nothing! Just give me my son. I can’t live without him!”

“He’s my son too. I love him and I can’t live without him too!” the man says.

“See,” the counselor appeals to the man and the woman, “You both love your son so much. I still think you should try to reconcile.”

“No. I want out,” the woman says.

“Me too!” the man says.

“Okay, let’s go in,” the counselor says, shrugging her shoulders, “Since you two have agreed on everything else, the judge will probably ask you the same things I asked you, he will talk to the child, and then, considering the child’s age, let him stay with his mother and grant the father visiting rights.”

“This whole system is biased in favor of women! I can look after my son much better than her,” the man says angrily.

“My foot!” the woman says, “You’ll ruin his life. It is better he remains away from your influence!”

“Please don’t fight inside,” the counselor advises, “You want an amicable mutual consent separation, isn’t it?”

And so, the man and the woman separate, a step towards the death of their relationship.

Since their son is a small boy he goes with his mother.

After the six month long separation period is over, the man and woman assemble in the family court for their divorce.

“I want to tell you something,” the woman says to the man.

“What?” the man asks.

“Well I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’ve been seeing someone.”

“And you want to get married to him?”


“That’s great. Go ahead. Good Luck to you!” the man says, “and who is the lucky guy?”

“Oh yes, he is indeed a lucky guy – He’s a childhood friend. Now he lives in the States and is here on a vacation.”

“So you’re off to the States?”

“Yes. Once all this divorce business is through.”

“Good for you.”

“It’s about our son…” the woman says awkwardly.

“What?” the man asks suspiciously.

“I want to leave him with you. As a gesture of goodwill, let’s say as a parting gift.”

“Goodwill? Parting Gift?” the man asks dumbfounded.

“We thought we should begin life afresh, without the baggage of the past.”

“You call our son the baggage of the past? How dare you? He is your son!” the man says angrily.

“And he is your son too!” the woman says, “He needs a father, especially now.”

“You’ve told the boy?”

“No,” the woman answers.

The man says nothing.

There is silence.

And then the man hesitantly says to the woman, “A friend of mine has just moved in with me. Actually she’s more than a friend. She’s going to live in with me for some time, to get to know each other better, and then we’ll decide. I don’t think it’s the right time for the boy to stay with me. I think you better keep our son with you – as goodwill, a parting gift, from me!”

Strange are the ways of life.

First the parents fought bitterly for his custody and now no one, not his mother nor his father, wants to keep him any longer.

And so the man and the woman each find their new life-partners and live “happily ever after” and their darling son is packed off to boarding school.

Sad, isn’t it, when children become hapless innocent victims of broken marriages.


[Fiction Short Story]



Copyright © Vikram Karve 2009

Vikram Karve has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.